Searching Standard: Raichu, the Lugia VSTAR Counter

Mike Likes
December 22, 2022


Hello and welcome to another episode of Searching Standard, where each and every week I look for new, innovative decks for you to play in Standard. This week, I'm looking at a deck that was recently featured on the YouTube channel of LittleDarkFury. It features Raichu SIT 50 as a potential counter to most VSTAR decks, but specifically Lugia VSTAR SIT 139. Let's get started by taking a look at the deck list.

Raichu LittleDarkFury Snorlax 131 Galarian Moltres 93 Radiant Charizard 11 Pikachu 49 Raichu 50 Raichu 50 Ralts 67 Kirlia 68 Gardevoir 61 Manaphy 41 Level Ball 129 Cynthia's Ambition 138 Scoop Up Net 165 Choice Belt 135 Battle VIP Pass 225 Klara 145 Professor's Research 147 Quick Ball 179 Serena 164 Boss's Orders 132 Evolution Incense 163 Air Balloon 156 Ordinary Rod 171 Training Court 169 Lightning Energy 94 Capture Energy 171 Fire Energy 92 Darkness Energy 97

With so many decks utilizing VSTAR Powers, this deck was created as a way to take advantage of this. Normally, Raichu SIT 50's Ambushing Spark attack will deal 40 damage to your opponent's Active Pokemon, but if your opponent has used their VSTAR Power during the game, Ambushing Spark will deal an additional 100 damage. That's typically enough damage to Knock Out nearly any opposing Pokemon with just two attacks. If your opponent has a Weakness to Lightning Type Pokemon, this will deal 280 damage, which is enough to Knock Out Lugia VSTAR SIT 139. This deck also includes a copy of Raichu EVS 50, who also has an attack that is useful against an opponent using Pokemon V's. The Big Sparking attack will deal 50 damage to each Pokemon V in play, which won't hurt this deck at all since it doesn't include any Pokemon V's.


This deck also includes two Pokemon that can quickly wrap up the game. Galarian Moltres EVS 93 has the Malevolent Charge Ability, which helps get it powered up quickly. You can then use its Fiery Wrath attack to deal 20 damage, plus an additional 50 damage for each Prize card your opponent has taken. Radiant Charizard PGO 11 has the Combustion Blast attack, which will deal a whopping 250 damage. This attack is also affected by the number of Prize cards your opponent has taken, as its cost is reduced by one colorless Energy per Prize taken.


With Gardevoir CRE 61's Shining Arcana Ability, you'll be able to draw two cards, possibly attaching basic Energy to your Pokemon if either of those cards are basic Energy. It's a great way to draw additional cards each turn. You can also use Kirlia SIT 68's Refinement Ability as a means of drawing two additional cards each turn. However, when you use this Ability, you'll need to discard a card. I'll talk later about a combo you can use that will help offset this drawback.

The final two Pokemon in this deck are both useful for their Abilities. Snorlax VIV 131's Gormandize Ability can be used to allow you to draw back up to seven cards at the end of your turn. It can only be used if Snorlax VIV 131 is your Active Pokemon. Don't be afraid to use this Ability, even if Snorlax VIV 131 is sure to be Knocked Out, because the attacks of both Galarian Moltres EVS 93 and Radiant Charizard PGO 11 get better once your opponent has taken some Prize cards. Manaphy BRS 41 has the Wave Veil Ability, which will help keep your Benched Pokemon safe from damage from your opponent's attacks.


Battle VIP Pass FST 225 is a terrific card to have in your opening hand. It allows you to search your deck for up to two Basic pokemon to put onto your Bench. Battle VIP Pass FST 225 is completely unplayable after your first turn, so use it as a card to discard for any effects that require you to do this. Training Court RCL 169 combos well with Kirlia SIT 68's Refinement Ability, provided that you have a basic Energy either in your hand or discard pile.


So, you want to find the Pokemon you need from your deck quickly? Well, you're in luck, because Quick Ball SSH 179, Level Ball BST 129, and Evolution Incense SSH 163 all help you do this with ease. Quick Ball SSH 179 can be used to find any Basic Pokemon, while Level Ball BST 129 will only find Pokemon with 90 HP or less. Evolution Incense SSH 163 can be used to find any Evolution Pokemon, which can be helpful if you need a Raichu SIT 50 or Kirlia SIT 68.


Another way to find what you need from your deck more quickly is simply by drawing more cards during your turn. Professor's Research BRS 147 allows you to draw a new hand of seven cards, but you'll have to discard your current hand before drawing those cards. Cynthia's Ambition BRS 138 lets you draw until you have either five or eight cards in your hand, depending on whether any of your Pokemon were Knocked Out during your opponent's last turn. Finally, Serena SIT 164 lets you discard one, two, or three cards in order to draw until you have five cards in hand. Alternatively, playing her as your Supporter for the turn allows you to switch your opponent's Active Pokemon with one of their Benched Pokemon V.


Like Serena SIT 164, Boss's Orders BRS 132 also allows you to switch your opponent's Active Pokemon with one from their Bench, but you can choose any Benched Pokemon, not just a Pokemon V. Choice Belt BRS 135 can be attached to a Pokemon to allow it to deal an additional 30 damage with its attacks when it's attacking an Active Pokemon V.


Mobility during combat is important, and this deck has a couple of cards to help you with this. By attaching an Air Balloon SSH 156 to one of your Pokemon, you'll reduce that Pokemon's Retreat Cost by two Energy. This can often allow a Pokemon to retreat for free. Scoop Up Net RCL 165 lets you put one of your Pokemon back into your hand, discarding any cards attached to it. This can be a way to save a Pokemon from getting Knocked Out, denying your opponent from taking a Prize card.


The final Trainer cards in this deck are for recursion. Ordinary Rod SSH 171 lets you either shuffle up to two Pokemon or up to two basic Energy cards from your discard pile into your deck. With some luck, you'll be able to draw those cards and play them for an additional time. Klara CRE 145 is specifically included as a way to get Galarian Moltres EVS 93 back in the event that it gets Knocked Out. Klara CRE 145 also allows you to put up to two basic Energy cards from your discard pile into your hand, so you can get the two Darkness Energy back as well. Then play Galarian Moltres EVS 93 onto your Bench and attach those Energy with Galarian Moltres EVS 93's Malevolent Charge Ability.

Wrapping Up

While this deck is very situational, depending on your opponent using a VSTAR Power, it still looks very fun to play. It is still able to win games against those decks that aren't running any Pokemon VSTAR, thanks to Galarian Moltres EVS 93. If Lugia VSTAR SIT 139 is prominently played in your area, consider giving this deck a try, as it's especially great against them.

What do you think of this deck? Do you have any suggestions for improvements? Let me know by leaving a comment below. And be sure to join me here again next week as I continue my search for innovative decks in the Pokemon TCG. I'll see you then!

- Mike Likes