Hello and welcome back! It’s been a real quiet holiday break for Magic, though that is usually the case. After all, even the most involved players and employees need time off from slinging spells to come out of our respective dark places and see family and friends (speaking really only for myself here). That time has ended though and some of us are back in the dark places gandering at some more sweet spoilers from Innistrad Remastered.
Just a quick recap about the set. It is entirely reprinted cards, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t anything to look forward to. There are also some cards that weren’t a part of the original sets of Innistrad that are being included because of flavor, so there is a bit of a bonus there besides all the extra treatments for cards we’re getting.
With the set focused on Innistrad we get to also refocus on the types of creatures at play for different archetypes. Spirits, Zombie, Werewolves, Humans and Vampires. Popular kindred cards will be coming back to support each type, like Bloodline Keeper and Spell Queller. This will in turn help support those decks in Commander that center themselves around those types and help players who may have missed the cards get their hands on them.
Innistrad is also home to a lot of favorite cards and staples for all Commander decks as well. In my last articleI mention Edgar Markov finally getting a reprint, which is a very vampire cnetric card but the ability for newer players to get their hands on it helps it be a memorable include here. Otherwise we have The Meathook Massacre (original, or 1), Avacyn, and Emrakul the Promised End to bring some beef back to a deck sandwich.
If you wanted something on the trickier side, Snapcaster Mage and Deadeye Navigator might be cards you’re looking for. Or perhaps you want another choice of art for Blood Artist. Generally speaking, this set is already shaping up to have a bunch of things Commander players new and old might want to grab with repints bound to bring down some prices.
Some cards that weren’t a part of the original sets also are getting some reprints. Hermit Druid is probably the standout at the moment if you’re into combo decks, but Maelstrom Pulse and Mass Hysteria are also good in the right decks and metas.
At the time of writing spoilers continue so keep an eye out for more info as it becomes available.
Something to note about the set is that it will also have a MSRP from Wizards of the Coast. That means they put what they think the value of the product could be as a suggestion to the people selling it to you. This only applies to the Play Boosters ($6.99) and Collector Boosters ($29.99) individually, so keep that in mind when you shop for those items. The Booster boxes of either will NOT have an MSRP.
The remastered sets are supposed to be curated tas both an excellent selection of cards for draft to help relive a Magic world through its various themes alongside some good reprints as well. I’m not as familiar with draft as I am with Commander, but so far the set is shaping up well for the latter.
Let me know what you think though. What gem do you hope we get that has yet to be revealed? Perhaps a card that could have some Innistradi flavor?
Until next time, may the Heron guide you in the dark.