Searching Standard: Jynx EX


Hello and welcome to another episode of Searching Standard, where each and every week I look for new, innovative decks for you to play in Standard. This week, I'm looking at a deck that was recently featured on the YouTube channel of LittleDarkFury. It features Jynx ex MEW 124, a Pokemon that is capable of Knocking Out any opposing Pokemon with a single attack, regardless of how many HP they have remaining. Let's get started by taking a look at the deck list.

Jynx exLittleDarkFury Bibarel 121 Bidoof 111 Fezandipiti ex 38 Jynx ex 124 Morelull 8 Origin Forme Palkia V 39 Origin Forme Palkia VSTAR 40 Radiant Greninja 46 Shiinotic 9 Boss’s Orders 172 Buddy-Buddy Poffin 144 Ciphermaniac's Codebreaking 145 Earthen Vessel 163 Exp. Share 174 Hisuian Heavy Ball 146 Iono 185 Irida 147 Nest Ball 181 Night Stretcher 61 Prime Catcher 157 Professor's Research 189 Surfer 187 Switch 194 Ultra Ball 91 Basic Water Energy Double Turbo Energy 151

With Jynx ex MEW 124's Heart-Stopping Kiss attack, you'll be able to Knock Out your opponent's Active Pokemon as long as it is Asleep. While you can always use Jynx ex MEW 124's Icy Wind attack to make that Pokemon Asleep, you'll see that there is a better way in this deck.


I'm talking about Shiinotic SSP 9's Calming Light Ability. This ability lets you make your opponent's Active Pokemon Asleep as long as Shiinotic SSP 9 is in your Active Spot. I'll talk a little more later on about the various ways this deck has of moving Shiinotic SSP 9 back to your Bench, so Jynx ex MEW 124 can attack right away.


As a backup attacker, this deck is running a pair of Origin Forme Palkia VSTAR ASR 40. Its Subspace Swell attack can deal a decent amount of damage while only requiring two Energy to use. Origin Forme Palkia VSTAR ASR 40 also has the Star Portal Ability as its VSTAR Power. You can use this Ability as an easy way to fully power up Jynx ex MEW 124.

Keeping a handful of useful cards is important, so this deck is running Bibarel BRS 121. By activating its Industrious Incisors Ability, you'll be able to refill your hand to five cards each turn.


Both Fezandipiti ex SFA 38 and Radiant Greninja ASR 46 also help you draw additional cards. With Fezandipiti ex SFA 38's Flip the Script Ability, if you had a Pokemon get Knocked Out during your opponent's last turn, you can draw three cards. Radiant Greninja ASR 46 has the Concealed Cards Ability which can allow you to draw two cards, helping you find your combo pieces faster.


I mentioned earlier that I would talk about ways to move Shiinotic SSP 9 to your Bench more easily than paying its expensive Retreat Cost. This batch of cards is specifically for this purpose. Switch SVI 194 simply swaps your Active Pokemon with another Pokemon from your Bench. Prime Catcher TEF 157 does the same thing, but it also lets you do the same thing with your opponent's team. Finally, Surfer SSP 187 switches your Pokemon while also allowing you to draw cards until you have five cards in your hand.


Since Jynx ex MEW 124's Heart-Stopping Kiss attack requires three Energy to use, you might need help finding Energy from your deck to attach. Earthen Vessel PAR 163 helps a lot with this, allowing you to put two Basic Energy from your deck into your hand. You'll also want to attach Exp. Share SVI 174 to Jynx ex MEW 124 so that you can continue to benefit from the Energy you've previously attached if your Pokemon should get Knocked Out.

By playing Boss’s Orders PAL 172, you can switch in an opposing Pokemon that your opponent has been powering up while on their Bench, cutting off their plans before they can attack. You can also choose to switch in a Pokemon that allows you to take multiple Prize cards.


This group of cards all help you find the Pokemon you need from within your deck more easily. Buddy-Buddy Poffin TEF 144 can be a great way of getting Morelull SSP 8 or Bidoof CRZ 111 into play. Nest Ball SVI 181 can help you find any Basic Pokemon, regardless of how many HP they have. Finally, while Ultra Ball PAF 91 can find any Pokemon from within your deck, its best use is to find the evolution Pokemon you need.

Playing Ciphermaniac's Codebreaking TEF 145 allows you to set up your draws for the next couple of turns. It can really help you find the pieces of your combo you need to succeed. Irida ASR 147 helps you find both a Water-Type Pokemon and an Item card. She can really get you out of a tight spot. This deck also has a copy of Hisuian Heavy Ball ASR 146 which can be used to make sure you have access to what you need, as you can find yourself looking for something that is currently locked away in your Prize cards.


The final batch of cards all help you get the cards you need into your hand more easily. For sheer card drawing power, there's nothing better than Professor's Research SVI 189. The drawback is that you have to discard your current hand when you play this card, so make sure to play it after anything else you have that needs to get played right away. Iono PAL 185 also allows you to draw new cards, but perhaps more importantly, she also resets your opponent's hand, slowing down their progress. Finally, if you have a Pokemon or Basic Energy card in your discard pile that you are in need of, you can play Night Stretcher SFA 61 to put that card into your hand, where you can then play it right away.


Wrapping Up

If you're looking for a challenging deck that can take down any opponent, look no further. Jynx ex MEW 124's Heart-Stopping Kiss attack can take out any opponent, but setting it up can be tricky. If you're up for the challenge, you should give this deck a try.

What do you think of this deck? Do you have any suggestions for improvements? Let me know by leaving a comment below. And be sure to join me here again next week as I continue my search for innovative decks in the Pokemon TCG. I'll see you then!

- Mike Likes



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