Stu Somers
August 23, 2017

Welcome to my weekly comic book oriented article here at Flipside Gaming. Last week Charles Xavier and the Shadow King played a game and X-23 went back in time to help right a wrong with the original Wolverine. This week the Edge of Venomverse concludes and the man without fear finishes his endgame against the Kingpin.  So, without any further delay, here we go! Excelsior!



Astonishing X-men #2


Besides one of the creepiest covers in recent memory, this issue has one of the most intriguing plotlines going on in X-men comics today. While there are some scenes that will make the Gambit/Rogue and Jean/Wolverine shippers cringe, there is enough character moments going on that people will look past them. A couple surprise reveals and twists have me looking forward to this book every couple of weeks now.

Generations: Wolverine & All new Wolverine #1


This is the 3rd installment of Generations and this one is maybe the most emotional. I am still not sure if these younger heroes being thrown through time is just a plot device or if there is a large story here heading towards Legacy. It also has yet to be seen if these adventures will have any kind of impact on bringing back characters because so far we have seen Banner, Jean Grey, and Logan all visited and all are very (mostly) dead at the moment.

Invincible Iron Man #10


So issue #9 might be up for comic of the year and that means #10 has to build on that. While Riri did not become ruler of Latveria, it made for some very strong moments between her and SHIELD. She approached this with the hope and open-mindedness that most 15-year old’s would. I will say, SHIELD questions her mother is one of my favorite sequences I have seen this year in comics.

The Ultimates #100


This is the end of The Ultimate’s for now. I am not sure of the right way to review this book. The final battle was not a battle at all, instead it was fundamental concepts of the universe doing what they do and restricting existence. There were also a ton of Kirby references that I found myself re-reading this issue several times to catch them all. I would definitely go back and look at the past few issues to fully grasp this story arc and appreciate the new Galactus, Lifebringer.


Edge of Venomverse #5


Ok, this miniseries before the event has been pretty lackluster. If Deadpool with a venom symbiote does not make for a good final issue, then I am worried about it when the event actually comes. Venom has never had a character like Gwen Stacey to put a new spin on to wow audiences like Spider-Man does. I am hoping that it changes with this issue but I am not holding my breath on this one.

Peter Parker: The Spectacular Spider-Man #3



There is no better bromance in Marvel than Human Torch and Spider-Man. These two have gone back a long time and having someone that can keep up with Peter’s banter makes for a great read. Having Peter’s long-lost sister in the mix adds an added element of intrigue as we find out what angle she is playing and who is after her. I wrote this book off at first, but I am starting to really enjoy it.

Secret Empire #9


Last issue marked the first time in the months long story that the heroes were looking like winners. With the darkforce over New York gone and the shield around Earth shattered, it is now time to take the fight to Hydra. I think that this issue will deal with Steve Rogers and then the 10th issue which was added on will set the stage for Legacy to take offer a la Rebirth.

Daredevil #25


This is about as classic of a Daredevil story as you can get with a neat twist. Having Daredevil testify as a witness was a novel idea. With Murddock having to fight against Legal in the courtroom and Tombstone in the streets, he has had to face threats from all possible angles. This week marks the end of the storyline and I am hoping that we get an epic conclusion to one of the most exciting Daredevil runs in recent memory.

Thanks for reading! Don't forget to stop in any Flipside Gaming in East Greenbush to pick up or reserve your copies of these titles today!

 -Stu Somers

Stu is a former M:TG Pro Tour competitor and avid comic book fan. He wants to know what you think about his article, so leave a comment below or hit him up on twitter @Ssomers55.


